Italian Department Summer Graduate Courses 2024

Exploring Contemporary Italy

Exploring Contemporary Italy

16:560:691 cross listed with 01:560:491

5/28-6/21, 2024

Taught by Prof. Andrea Baldi

 Taught in Italian, the course tackles a wide range of pressing contemporary topics: the north-south divide, gender conflicts, environmental issues, migration, visual culture, etc. We will  nalyze different kind of texts: short fiction, essays, newspaper articles, movies, video clips, etc. Authors include: Sciascia, Calvino, Buzzati, Ortese, Rodari, Scego, Kuruvilla, Lahiri, and  errante. Assignments and most readings will be in Italian, with excerpts from critical essays in English. Completion of questionnaires, short papers, participation in a Forum, and two online one-to-one meetings required.


Storia dell'Italia Multilingue in MusicaStoria dell'Italia Multilingue in Musica

16:560:674 cross listed with 01:560:492

7/8-8/2, 2024

Taught by Prof. Carmela Scala

 "L'Italia Multilingue in Musica" offers an in-depth exploration of the cultural and linguistic influences that have shaped and continue to shape Italy's rich musical tradition. This course aims to uncover how Italy, a nation with an extraordinary musical history, has been influenced by and has influenced other cultures and languages through music. Students will have the  pportunity to expand their knowledge of Italian music, gain a deeper understanding of languages and regional dialects, and discover the multilingual roots of Italian musical culture.