Course Descriptions:

Taught in Italian, this course examines various aspects of contemporary Italian culture through the discussion of a variety of print and non-print materials: articles, selected readings, videos, literary and cinematic texts on contemporary Italian politics and society.

Learning Goals:

This course has been designed to enrich students’ knowledge of contemporary Italian society and culture and to enhance their communicative skills as well as their ability to comprehend rapid spoken language. At the end of the course, students will demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and the perspectives of Italian culture. They will be able to understand and communicate complex social and cultural ideas in standard Italian.

Departmental Goals I and II: Linguistic Proficiency and Cultural Proficiency.

Required text: Course packet

English/Italian dictionary (

(The instructor will provide with extra material and copies)

Course Requirements:

Each student must speak for at least 5 minutes during each class session in order to have a passing grade.

Completion of assigned readings is essential in order to pass the class. Weekly reports and quizzes at the very beginning of class will test knowledge of readings.

Students are required to prepare oral presentations in pairs/groups and/or individually. For the conclusion of the course each student will have worked on a total of 2 presentations.

During all presentations students are not allowed to read from their notes.

The midterm and the final exams will consist of a 10-minute conversation with one of your classmates or your instructor.

Attendance is mandatory and essential. Having more than 2 absences and frequent late arrivals will negatively affect your participation grade. Three late arrivals will constitute one absence.

Language policy: This is an advanced Italian class; English is not allowed. Repeated use of English in class will decrease your grade by two whole letter grades.

Grade distribution:

Participation 40%

Presentations 30%

Midterm oral exam 15%

Final oral exam 15%