Course Description:
This course, taught in Italian, is designed to introduce students to business language and vocabulary in the Italian world community. We will focus on economy, geography, correspondence and trade regulations, as well as vocabulary and language used in banking, advertising, the stock market, insurance, communications, and export and import.
The second component of the course will be to examine the students on their understanding and on their learning, through the representation of typical situations in a business context.
Students can compare American business with Italian through articles, audio-conferencing, readings and the use of internet.
Instructor’s Learning Goals:
Value and exhibit comfort with cultural differences in business practices and business ethics
Ability to function effectively doing business in an international setting, understanding basic economic dynamics of the contemporary international system and the complexity and diversity of business transactions in a global context
Experiences in the classroom and in other business learning environments at the international level via audio conferences with Italian corporations
Use technology effectively to communicate and analyse business problems, learning and practicing Italian in a range of situations that one could encounter during a business trip to Italy (interacting with clients and conducting meetings)
Articulate similarities and differences between American and Italian business by identifying them in the context of Italian journals
Departmental Goals II and III: Cultural Proficiency and Professional Preparation
Required Texts:
A good Italian/English dictionary
Additional material will be distributed by the instructor
Course Requirements and Grade distribution:
- Business research papers to better understand Italian in a business context
- Specific exam questions could be construed for use in survey courses to address and integrate knowledge across different dynamic business contexts
- Project exchange and web communication with Italian business
- Creation of student portfolios which exhibits knowledge of business practices
University absence reporting website to indicate the date and reason for your absence. An email is automatically sent to me.
Please note that attendance and the quality and quantity of your participation are part of your final course grade. The more absences you have, the more your final grade will be lowered. You will be allowed 2 unexcused absences. From your 3rd missed class on, both your attendance and participation grade will start dropping. If it is necessary for you to be absent from class, it is your responsibility to get the homework assignment from either the instructor or a fellow student. Your homework grade is based on both the completion and the quality of your work. Late arrivals negatively affect your attendance and participation grade. Every fourth late arrival constitutes one absence.
You will be graded on your willingness to take part in class discussions, brainstorming activities and all group exercises.
You will be assigned written homework almost every class. Every assignment that is handed in must be typed and double-spaced. All written homework will be graded on a percentage scale. You will have the opportunity to rewrite your homework for a better grade. For this reason, no late or make-up assignments will be accepted.
There will also be vocabulary and grammar quizzes throughout the semester.
Further written testing consists of a midterm exam and a final exam.
Class participation, attendance and daily homework - 20%
Quizzes - 20%
Compositions - 20%
Midterm - 20%
Final - 20%
SPECIAL NOTE: Any use of material from the Internet for compositions or other homework assignments must be acknowledged by proper citation. The use of translation websites is forbidden and considered plagiarism. Copying illicitly from the Internet will incur severe consequences and could result in a failing grade for the course.
Language Policy:
Italian is the language of instruction. English is not permitted.
Note: Homework and class announcements will be posted on Sakai:
Students with disabilities:
Any student with documented special needs should meet with me during office hours. All efforts will be made to facilitate your presence and your successful completion of the course.
Electronic forms of communication
In accordance with College policy, I will use your Rutgers University e-mail address to communicate with you about all course-related matters
Please note that this syllabus is subject to change in accordance to needs of the class